Out of the ‘hood & into the wilderness [Feb ’17]


For He is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever hope, dream, or imagine…

Sweet friends—

For many of you, it’s been a “long time no talk” and for that, I apologize. These last six months of settling back into Denver have been quite the whirlwind experience. But, I digress… I’m writing you this morning to tell you about a dream the Lord gave me this week last year.

As we wrapped up our Hearts Going Toward Wellness Conference at the Tanalian Leadership Center last February, I turned to my boss and said the words I never saw becoming a reality: 

“I wish my Denver Street School kiddos could experience this— the wilderness, Port Alsworth, the healing the comes with a week of sharing our stories, listening to those of others, and processing trauma. I wish my kids could be here and find forgiveness, love and grace… I wish they could just take time out of their normal lives to meet with Jesus…”

Last February, that was nothing more than a wild dream. But true to the way the Lord seems to work, that dream grew and spiraled and blossomed as I shared it with friends and family, my administration at DSS, and my various communities. Over time that dream blossomed into more than I ever could have imagined. Since I first brought up the possibility of a trip to Alaska in my Advocacy class at the Street School in September, I’ve watched as my students have fundraised, planned, and prayed tirelessly—asking God to make this wild, seemingly impossible trip a reality.

And ladies and gentlemen, through your outright generosity and participation in volleyball tournaments, bake sales, online fundraisers, and a spaghetti dinner, the Lord has provided $4,500, allowing my girls to see Him work a miracle for them— an opportunity to meet with Him in the wilderness.

Exactly a week from today, four of my DSS girls, my dear friend Rebecca, and I will board a plane at Denver International and embark on the adventure of a lifetime to meet with Jesus in the Alaskan bush village that holds my heart. For a full week, we will be working through the Hearts Going Toward Wellness conference material together; we will learn about trauma, abuse, and spiritual warfare. Conversely, we will also learn about the love and grace of our Abba Father, His forgiveness, healing, and redemption.

Would you consider praying for us as we embark on this wild journey into the wilderness with the Lord? I know He is going to change my girls’ hearts and lives through this adventure. I knowHe is calling us all to new depths of relationship with Him and I can’t wait to tell you the stories someday soon of how He worked miracles for these four young women in the Alaskan wilderness.

Thankful for you—always,
Kacy Lou

Prayer Requests

Going and Coming—
  • Everything about this trip is going to push my girls wayyy out of their comfort zones. Would you pray for the Lord to comfort their anxious hearts (and for them to be aware of the ways He comforts/ cares for them) as they board a plane and leave their everyday lives behind for an intense week in the wilderness.
  • Many of you know that four of my dear friends from Port Alsworth flew into the embrace of Jesus while traveling from the village to Anchorage in early December. Grieving this unexpected loss from so far away has been difficult, but we all have experienced the nearness of the Lord in new ways through this season of sorrow. Would you pray for my heart as I fly “home” to Port Alsworth for the first time since that fateful day in December? I honestly don’t know how to articulate what I need prayer for, but I know I’m desperate for His strength in all of this.
Hearts Going Toward Wellness—
  • Pray for vulnerability and emotional safety as my girls work through the trauma, abuse, and other pain in their pasts.
  • Pray for my girls to have soft hearts and open ears and eyes to what the Lord is doing.
  • Pray for Rebecca, the HGTW speakers, the TLC staff, and I as we prepare to teach and pour into these girls’ lives. Pray that we would hear the Lord’s voice clearly and be able to speak into situations and stories as He leads.
  • Pray against spiritual warfare, distractions, and illness.
Village Life—
  • We will have the opportunity to spend a fair amount of time with my Port Alsworth youth group kiddos. Pray that the Lord would form unlikely friendships through the bond of His Spirit.
  • Rebecca and I will possibly be leading a mini girls’ retreat for both our DSS girls and the high school girls in Port Alsworth. Would you pray that the Lord would use this time however He wants to draw all of the young women I adore to Him?
Because We Come From The Denver Street School…—
  • Pray for unity among my girls (and for wisdom for Rebecca and I to help them develop the necessary conflict resolution skills when the excrement inevitably hits the ventilation system…)
  • Pray for an ease in physical withdrawal fromsubstances, technology, and other unhealthy habits that my girls won’t be able to engage in/with throughout our time in Alaska.
  • Pray for grace and patience for Rebecca and I as we will be with the girls 25/7 for 7 days straight.
Above all, would you simply join us as we pray that His will would be done and that His Kingdom would come to earth throughout this trip?
As always, I feel like I can’t thank you enough. Your friendship, financial partnership, and prayers over the last several years have meant the world to me as Jesus has, well… taken me around the world and back again.
His faithfulness is evident in the blessing you are and the way you love His people. May you see Him working miracles for you today, just as you have allowed a miracle to happen for my girls and I.
We’ll be praying for you as we adventure in His Benevolent Affection.
<3, The Denver Street School & Hesed Project Ladies
Summerbreeze, Lisa, Authyia, Jordan, Reba, & Kacy

If we are out of our minds {which I’m fairly certain we are at this point…} it is for the sake of the Gospel.
~2 Corinthians 5:13~